Table of Luhyuh

A descision was made to catalog New's Service under 'solutions',
'cause we already have enough 'issues'.
a place of questions...
"...a break, today."
a place of curious art.
an interactive jam session for thinkers and doers.
a old-fashioned fluid mindscape on the web,
a solution in the physical sense:
a gravy, roux & smoothie where the surf's fresh.
the ethical study buddies can play it very cool
and actually win very cool prizes, too.
sop up my solution for successfully surviving
august, 2022.
gotsta gift you
a homemade badge of realness,
to commemorate new's service's 'naugral.
left click
and proliferate to the kinsfolk of your choosing.

we silly.
gon' clean the tone up a lil' taste to give you some

Heat From The Vault

why i wrote it:
a feeling of isolation due to an observable mass choosing of infirm ideas within the music making collective, a yearning for a deeper acceptance of natural intelligence..
i wanted it to sound grimy. something from an old tape of our courage, found at the right time.
always slipped past the a & r's nose. too brainy, too niche, too whateva.
this one was always a personal favorite. this had the sound. like something that just sounds raw talking bout raw stuff, but the polish would be in the lyrics, you know?
that's why i wrote it.

TO BE REAL like Cheryl Lynn,
your girl wanna testify bout some sightings in her life, post-Lasik.
In no way am i seeking to remix the scripture,
genesis slaps just like it goes.
God knows i love metaphors too.
it's the poet He made me to be.
woulda been posting beats on the 'gram if i'd not been
SNATCHED UP by obedience, m'kay?

email your answer to news@teacherie.how
the first to answer correctly
will win an awesome prize!

Rejoicing is absolutely a revolutionary act. It informs the mind of an activated place of energy, which is needed for change. It is not granted from the world,
for it is a very shifting of worlds itself:
a seed of the world we want,
literally tapdancing on the real haters who commodify stress in globalist agendas. Rejoicing generates a warmth in our immediate environment,immediately.
That's what revolution is.The revoking of permission for appraisal followed by inward kindness emanating,
as Sun Ra would write :"onward & outward to delight in the mystery..."
Thanks for tuning in.
i love you so.
God loves you more.
New's Service, signing out,
Georgia Anne Muldrow, August 2022

G still makes records.
is a primary source for the questions in her mind, the colors of her heart, and the music in her head.
is a monthly multimedia e-zine
from the mind of georgia anne muldrow.
It's the place where she can freely promise
to jam out - poetically, visually, sonically, scientifically,and humorously -
the wholebrained funk.
brought to you by the TEACHERIE, in AUGUST 2022. all rights reserved.